RMR Girls Juniors Division
Recruiting and Contract Signing
Recruiting of any kind, whether initiated by an athlete, parent, coach, club personnel, etc. is highly discouraged during the RMR regular season. This type of conduct is unfair to all involved and impairs the performance of RMR teams and players regardless of when it occurs. The purpose of the RMR’s recruiting policy (the “Recruiting Policy”) is to eliminate the negative consequences that occur when athletes are approached about the upcoming season before the athlete’s current season is complete. Athletes should be allowed to enjoy their current season before determining where to play the following season. Per USAV regulations, team or club representatives must adhere to the proactive prevention and training policies of the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) when contacting any athlete. “Recruiting” is defined as soliciting or encouraging an athlete to sign a contract with a club in order to secure that individual’s participation. Distribution of gifts of gear, apparel, or anything of monetary value to prospective athletes is strictly prohibited. A “team or club representative” includes any person who has a special interest in a specific club or team, such as a club director, coach, assistant coach, other club employee or volunteer, athlete, parent or family member of an athlete, club alumnus or club booster.
Start of RMR Regular Season
For all ages, the beginning of the RMR Regular Season and USAV Season is September 1st, 2023.
During this period:
● Athletes or their parents/guardians can initiate contact with any coach or club.
● Athletes can attend camps, clinics, lessons, evaluations, etc..
● Clubs can host camps, clinics, lessons, evaluations, etc..
● Recruiting of any kind, whether initiated by an athlete, parent, coach, or club personnel. is highly discouraged.
End of RMR Regular Season and Open Recruiting Period
For all ages, the end of the RMR Regular Season is May 1st, 2024. While some teams may continue on to the USAV Girls Junior National Championship, the competitive season for most athletes, teams, coaches, and clubs has concluded. All athletes, regardless of their teams continuing to compete, are considered free agents at this time. The open recruiting period extends through tryouts until an athlete has signed a contract with a club. Teams that compete in any USAV event and compete in events offered by other organizations are bound by all RMR/USAV rules. Teams that violate any RMR/USAV rule are subject to disqualification and sanctions.
Following the end of the Regular Season:
● Athletes can initiate contact with any coach or club.
● Athletes can attend camps, clinics, lessons, evaluations, and pre-tryout activities.
● Clubs can host camps, clinics, lessons, evaluations, and pre-tryout activities.
● Clubs can initiate contact with the parent or guardian of any athlete in accordance with SafeSport.
● Clubs can give written or verbal offers. Written or verbal offers are not binding or contingent in any way.
● Clubs can not distribute or gift athletes gear, apparel, or anything of monetary value as a result of any offer being extended, accepted, or otherwise.
● Clubs can not ask for nor accept deposits of any kind.
● Clubs are encouraged to provide a sample contract for a parent or guardian to read through in advance of potentially signing with that specific club.
Recommended Tryout Period
For the 24-25 season, clubs are recommended by the RMR to hold tryouts from July 14th, 2024 to July 21st, 2024. While some clubs may choose to hold “tryouts” at different dates, the RMR encourages clubs to hold their tryouts during this week to give athletes an opportunity to explore different clubs in a smaller window of time. The tryout period ends for an athlete once they have signed a contract. The tryout period ends for a team or club when they have no further spots to offer to prospective athletes.
During the tryout period:
● All stipulations of the open recruiting period continue through the tryout period.
● Clubs can determine if they will or will not charge for tryouts. Contract Signing Period There are two different dates as it relates to the contract signing period.
● Any athlete returning to the same club that they were affiliated with the previous season can be offered and sign a contract starting on July 22nd, 2024 at 10:00 AM MST.
● Any athlete, regardless of their affiliation the prior season, can be offered and sign a contract on July 23rd, 2024 at 10:00 AM MST. During the contract signing period:
● Contracts can be signed and countersigned by the athlete’s parent or guardian and the offering club. An athlete can not sign a contract, regardless of age.
● Clubs can ask for and accept deposits.
● Clubs are encouraged to timestamp and date signed contracts. An example would be an email including all involved parties with a clear timestamp and date that includes the signed and countersigned contract.
● Once a contract is signed, the athlete can not sign with another club for the 2024-2025 season unless a transfer is granted as outlined in the “RMR Transfer Policy”. You are recognized as being a member of that club once a contract is signed by both parties. This is in anticipation of the athlete being affiliated with the contracted club when USAV registration opens.
● Any contracts signed prior to the contract signing period are null and void and subject to disciplinary actions by the RMR and USAV.
Boys Junior Division
Recruiting and Contract Signing Term
The Boy’s Commitment is in effect from the date an individual signs a legally binding contract until after the last day of competition of whichever National Championship event is the last one to finish. This is generally the first part of July. Open Gyms Open gyms for affiliated athletes (and non-affiliated athletes) are allowed to begin the day after Boys High School Championships. Clubs MUST follow the Recruiting Policies as listed above.
Tryouts & Evaluations
To simplify the process clubs may determine their own evaluation and try-out process. Open gyms can start the day after the High School State Championships, but no offers can be made until the day after the latest National Championship. Retention Contracts may go out July 26th and new player contracts may go out July 29th . The period between that last National Championship and contract signings is when evaluations and try-outs may occur. This will allow clubs to use this period as they see fit as long as they follow the recruiting and contract rules.
Verbal contact and offers may be given starting at 10am MST the day after the last day of competition of whichever National Championship event is the last one to finish. Contact here includes any means, electronic or verbal. Note that no contracts may be signed until the signing date. For the sake of simplicity, the term “offer” refers to any offer for an athlete to become part of a team. There is no difference between a written, verbal or electronic offer. These offers cannot be accompanied by a contract or a request for a deposit. It is not until the allowable signing of the contract will the agreement between the family and the club be considered official. Clubs are encouraged to give families time to evaluate the offer and short time frames for a decision go against the process of allowing families to make the decision that is best for them. (i.e. less than 24 hours puts pressure and anxiety on the process).
Contract Types
Boys clubs are encouraged to make a sample contract available to review during tryouts so that parents are better aware of the contract details that they are considering signing into.
* Retention Contracts: Clubs may send currently-affiliated players a binding contract for the 2023-2024 season starting at 10 am MST on July 26th
* New Player Contracts: Clubs may send currently-affiliated players a binding contract for the 2023-2024 season starting at 10 am MST on July 29th
From Boys Chair S Peluso 3/25/24: Retention Contracts: Clubs may send players that were affiliated with their club for the 2023-2024 season a binding contract for the 2024-2025 season starting at 10 am MST on July 26th. New Player Contracts: Clubs may send players that were NOT affiliated with their club for the 2023-2024 season a binding contract for the 2024-2025 season starting at 10 am MST on July 29th.
During the contract signing period:
● Contracts may be signed and countersigned by the athlete’s parent or guardian and the offering club. A minor athlete may not sign a contract.
● Clubs may ask for and accept deposits.
● Clubs are encouraged to timestamp and date signed contracts. An example would be an email including all involved parties with a clear timestamp and date that includes the signed and countersigned contract.
● Any contracts signed prior to the contract signing period are null and void and subject to disciplinary actions by the RMR and USAV.
● Once a contract is signed, the athlete may not sign with another club for the 2023-2024 season. You are recognized as being a member of that club once a contract is signed by both parties. This is in anticipation of the athlete being affiliated with the contracted club when USAV registration opens. (Please review the RMR No-Transfer Policy, described below)
Closed Recruiting Period:
Once an athlete has signed a contract with a club for the upcoming season, recruiting, by a team or club representative, is prohibited. A “team or club representative” includes any person who has a special interest in a specific club or team, such as a club director, coach, assistant coach, other club employee or volunteer, athlete, parent or family member of an athlete, club alumnus or club booster. · Clubs are allowed to send out direct mailings or advertise for upcoming events, but they are not allowed to contact individual unaffiliated families or athletes unless the family has reached out to them first.